Opportunities for Missions Organizations

Join us in reaching africa.

Central Africa Baptist University (CABU) has limited spaces for internships for missionaries and for University and Seminary students who are pursuing local church and mission work.

What to expect in Partnering with CABU

1) Financial Responsibility

The intern is responsible for the costs associated with living in Zambia for a short-term attachment. Prices related to the internship are available on request.

For missionaries with your board serving in Africa, CABU is strategically positioned to partner with you in the training of leadership for your church.

2) Biblical Tactics

Whether an intern or a student, you can expect exposure to a biblical philosophy of church planting, missions, and immersion into cross-cultural relationship building.

For interns currently enrolled in University, CABU is willing to discuss a partnership with the intern's university for a semester of study in Zambia.

3) Regular Updates

Please sign up for monthly updates from CABU, and encourage your missionaries in Africa to connect with us. We are here to serve you.